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COPA For KIDS on Sunday September 14, 2013 in Princeton, BC


Third time lucky . . . after two rained out dates in May and June we were lucky this time. And, as usual, the volunteers came out in good numbers for a successful event. We flew 35 kids and returned to Penticton shortly after noon for a chat at the Club House.

Line-up of the planes in Princeton prior to flying the kids.

Ground school and safety briefing before the flights.

© 2023 by Penticton Flying Club.

You are welcome to come and check us out. You do NOT have to be a pilot to become a member of the Penticton Flying Club - an interest in aviation is all you need!


Join us for coffee at the PFC clubhouse every Thursday morning @ 10am,

or/and at our Monthly PFC meeting on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm

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